Contribute for awareness,
let's normalise periods!

Please read the below, and if you wish to submit an experience:
What will your contribution do for others?
We know that many people feel unable to open up about negative experiences due to widely varying reasons, however a large amount of this reluctance is related to identity. We believe nothing should be kept bottled up no matter who you are. This is a safe space to open up about issues and experiences, you may find you relate to another person's story, who may in turn be encouraged to open up about their experiences. Bloody Woman is working to help bring about awareness and support for periods in everyday life.
Useful to know: ​
- We will always maintain your anonymity.
- If we get enough experiences collected, your story may be used in future works.
We cannot guarantee that all experiences will be used, but we will always aim
to be open, raw and inclusive.
We will never:
- Change or add to the wording, or censor your experience/story
- Pass negative judgement on you or your experience
- Pass on any contact details from the submission form to a third party without
your written consent
We May:
- Shorten your story where absolutely necessary
- Change names, places and anything in the story that others may be able to identify you by
- Quote or paraphrase stories in articles, interviews, NFT's, publications, merchandise etc
- Give permission for third parties to quote sections of stories at our discretion, for example in interviews, podcasts, blogs, youtube videos etc
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions must be truthful and either your own personal experience, or another's experience from whom you have their express permission, you accept liability for the use of another person's story.
The character limit is 2500 (500 words), please be as concise as you can
You are encouraged to include:
How your experience made you feel
Ethnicity, race, disability, age (this gives insight into issues or difficulties that may be unique to a person's characteristic)
Country the incident/experience took place in
Try not to include any names, if you must, please create fake names, as a precautionary measure we will change or remove names should we publish or otherwise use your story.
By submitting the form you agree to the below:
Your experience(s) may be incorporated into texts, images and audio files associated with any Bloody Woman project including NFT's, Publications, Social Media posts, Interviews and articles in media.
Your experiences / story will remain anonymous
Your story may be paraphrased to fit the purpose of the project however the integrity of your story will always be maintained.
Once submitted, your story will be used by Bloody Woman for any purpose deemed appropriate. Requests to remove stories or other shared information will be considered and actioned where possible, no reason will need to be provided. Please note that it may not always be possible to remove information once published (for example the possibility of a third party copying and re-using the work without permission or of artwork or merchandise already created and released to the public), due to this we advise you to carefully consider all information shared and whether you would be comfortable with a large audience reading and possibly critiquing/commenting on your experience.
We will not accept liability should you expose your identity or the identity of any individual associated with the experience, should you include names or other information please use a false name or location for safety of all concerned.